Dawn Break Night Witch, a Worth to play 'sequel' ?
Dawn Break Night Witch, a Worth to play 'sequel' ?

Auer Media & entertainment have released Dawn Break Origin that doesn’t required internet connection at all. Lately they launched another game entitled Dawn Break Night Witch with the description that it is the sequel (you can read in apkpure.com) from the Origin game. When you install the game, it also shows the name Dawn Break II instead of Night Witch emphasizing that it is the sequel. Well let’s see whether it is truly a sequel or not.
First let’s see the prominent thing that make up the difference, and that is the playable characters. In Origin you can play as Luke (dual guns), Haley (lance) or Anis (katana) and they are involved in the story directly. In Night Witch play new characters that are Kotetsu (Katana), Marle (Claw) or Grace (Skull) and of course Kotetsu has different movements than Anis. Each of them have different elements which will affect the difficulty against the bosses in the mission and also different combo animation that you can enjoy. Next one is the fairy that welcomes you on the main screen and in the battle. In Origin the fairy is a little girl with white hair, on the other hand Night Witch provided you with the teenage version of the fairy. Still, you can wipe the head for bonus items each day (if you wipe “other” part she’ll show another expression), and if you truly see the difference you’ll find out that Night Witch gives you more “fan service” than Origin. Another difference is the command buttons, in Origin the main two-attack buttons are “A” and “B” buttons. In Night Witch the buttons already engraved with arrow-like carving plus small “A” and “B” letters. Last but not least the welcoming screen before entering the game. In Origin you have Haley with mountains backgrounds, and in Night Witch you have Grace in dark surroundings.
So is this a sequel? Not from the story, literally. It’s more like an upgrade from previous game. The story is the same, the control is the same and also the new characters are not related with the story at all (the cutscene still involving Luke, Anis and Haley). Yet if you are a veteran gamer who want to play different characters, this game will still be fun to play and you still don’t have to fussy about internet connection or out of internet data. Finally, is this worth to play? Obviously this is a worth to play “sequel”.