How To Fix 'The Video Is Not Suitable For Most Advertisers' in Youtube
How To Fix yellow dollar The Video Is Not Suitable For Most Advertisers Youtube

Some of us have the errors that seem to be persistent on YouTube. For Example like the subscriber bug where people get unsubscribed, or notification bug where people who watch streams are not getting notifications when you go live. There is a new issue that has been very persistent and it's like what do you do about this. The issue says “The Video Is Not Suitable For Most Advertisers” and you have the little limited or no ads button on your video. This issue is not only appear after you upload your video. Even if you’re still processing or do editing your video and YouTube doesn't even know what content, but somehow they think that they know that it is not suitable for advertisers.
First thing that you need to know, this is a glitch in YouTube. It is not based on your title and you do not need to change your title. There's one step that you can do to fix this but you will have to do it on every single video and that is simply click on request review. Now it may seem scary to click on that button and when you click it you go there and it says a whole bunch of stuff about how it may not be eligible and all these things. Simply click on request manual review, click on I confirm that my video is suitable unless you have stuff that you know is not suitable, then don't do that.
For example if you just sweep some video games it's gonna be fine and we don't understand why it does this but it does do it and what happens is within a few minutes it will just go away. It magically just goes away. There's something in there automated system that's making it happen and apparently they've automated the system to fix it so that once you hit request review it will just go away. Sometimes it can take up to an hour before it goes away
That's pretty good, basically as long as it goes away and you can monetize your content then we don't have a problem. so YouTube will hopefully get this fixed but in the meantime all you have to do is request that review. It's super simple and then within a short amount of time it should go away. We hope this is useful for you, and as always thanks for reading.